WTS: 27m SP Jump Freighter/Carrier Pilot

PW: abc123

Starting bid is 25b
Buyout is 32b

Character is in highsec with positive status

Will pay for transfer; Payment is to be delivered within 24 hours of accepting bid or bidding will reopen.

This is an auction and will remain so until if/when a bid is accepted

PW is incorrect.

edit: PW = abc123 (should be working properly now)

please, update your eveboard account, because “Character does not belong to account”.


PW: abc123

should be ok now i hope. sorry

19 bil

20 bil

21 bil

25 bil

Bidding is still active for another 36 to 48 hours for those still interested. Highest bid currently is 25b

Bid accepted Jita Han. Please send isk and name of account the character will be transferred to.

please check

confirmed initiating transfer process


thank you for the business. enjoy!

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