Bump to the topz where i belong
is it still available? I’m interested in discussing an offer if you want to DM ingame.
Yes offcouse its still availbe, i will be waiting ingame for you today
Bump to the topz
29.75+Mil sp to the topz
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Offer Removed
15b offer good for 48h
LeaZarus#7619 online and isk ready
Back to the top where i belong
Bday top, to the top
30.3 Mil sp to the topz
back to the topz
back to the topz where the elite rises
to the top where the elite kill the elite
to the top to the top
atomic bump to the topz
What is figure are you thinking roughly and what would that be roughly in real money? Just so I can get my head round the in game and real life cost. Thanks.
about 28bil, thats about 350 euro’s
bump to the top