WTS 280m SP PVP God no wasted SP best name one of the oldest players in game ! 03!

replied to mail will think about it I am after a fair bit more absolute beast of a toon!!

what you must sleep ???

with your char you can do 549 skill injiector large price 720 mil each

for a total 390 bil but you must buy 549 extractor for a total 170 bil

total 220 bil i p ay you 300 bil and char not have titank skill and you want sleep on ???


i will buy other

have fun O/

why don’t you inject one then? or you can give me a price closer to the 390b and might have a deal :slight_smile:

O/ O/ O/ O/

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good character don’t miss out :smiley:

310b. Damm nice Char. :ok_hand:

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thanks for offer looking for 40b more but we are getting closer :slight_smile:

still for sale !!

Friendly bump for you, just because it’s sad to see a fellow old character up for sale. I contest the best in game name though :wink:

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This char is not in NPC corp …

WHY ???

will be soon enough :slight_smile:

Is there a rule that to sell a char on this forum you have to be in NPC corp?

yeh when he sells ill take him out :slight_smile: if not ill carry o using him

Afraid not. Put him into an npc corp or I’ll close the sales thread. Thanks!

ok mate no dramas

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I understand. You not respect the rules and GM not say nothing …

i send new email

Due to noncompliance, I am closing this thread. You may relist your character for sale once all Character Bazaar rules are followed. Thank you.