WTS 2x Revelation, 2x Archon in lowsec

Hulls only unless you want some t1 garbage guns/fighters to go with.

Revelation - Odebeinn (0.3)
Revelation - Faspera (0.1)
Archon - Chamemi (0.4)
Archon - Pakkonnen (0.4)


4.75bil OBO Revelation
4.5bil OBO Archon

I’d offer 13.2b for all 4.

3.5b per Archon
3.1b per Revelation

Just checked on hyper net, I’m showing 4.53bil for archon and 3.9 billion for revelation. Would you meet in the middle, and say 4bil per archon and 3.55bil per revelation?

They are actively trading on contracts for about those prices. I could do this if its close enough to what you are looking for.

3.7b per Archon
3.3b per Revelation

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Done deal - I’ll post each as a contract separately, based on that pricing. Please let me know if there are issues.

Edit: contracts posted, thank you :slight_smile:

Just seen them and accepted. Thanks :slight_smile:

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