WTS 2X Vendetta, 2X Erebus, and an Avatar

Faction Supers:

Vendetta located in Basgerin free port keepstar - On public contracts for 125b
Vendetta with T2 Trimarks - Irmalin NPC station (Currently in asset safety 3 days left)

Avatar with T2 Trimarks in Basgerin NPC Station
Erebus with T2 Trimarks in Basgerin Keepstar

Super Carriers:
Hel in Irmalin NPC Station with T2 CDFE rigs - On public contracts for 17.75b

Feel free to mail me offers or post offers here.

A few things sold, inventory has been updated

Daily bump, inventory has been updated. Wyvern has been added.

Daily bump, Revenant and Wyvern sold. Inventory has been updated.

Daily bump, 1 Erebus sold. Inventory has been updated.

Daily bump Avatar in Aeschee has been sold.

Vendetta for sale?

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