WTS: Vendetta rigged (85b), Erebus rigged (60.5b)

Titans/supers available for sale:
Erebus : Hull+ t2 armor rigs + fuel and basic travel fit for 60.5b
Vendetta : Hull+ t2 armor rigs + fuel and basic travel fit for 85b

All the Avatars and Rags sold out already.

Delivery location is North. Delivery can be arranged to most Keepstars in North such as 15W-GC, 0-YMB, , TXME-A, M-OEE8, P3EN-E etc.

Ships sold by far:

Erebus x 6
Avatar x 8
Ragnarok x 3
Nyx x 1
Wyvern x 1

Taking offers

Evemail me or post it here

shot u mail

Discount available

Taking offers

up we go

Price reduced. Cheapest in the market.

Price reduced to 65b

taking offers

Price reduced to 61b

Why are you commenting on every sale thread about Pearl Abyss? If you’re butthurt about it, leave the game. No one cares about what you have to say.

What? I ensure u it is not because of the upcoming acquisition.
btw buy the cheapest avatar :rofl:

up up up

up we go

Check in Game Mail.

I miss the LS free ports :sunglasses:

cheapest in the game

Selling an Avatar in North for 60b.
Basic travel fit+ fuel

Selling an Erebus in North for 60b.
Basic travel fit+ fuel

Titans available for sale:
Avatar x 2. Price is 62b for hull+ fuel and basic travel fit
Erebus : coming out of production in less than 48 hours. Price is 60b for hull+ fuel and basic travel fit

Location is North. Delivery can be arranged to most Keepstars in North such as 15W-GC, DO6H-Q, TXME-A, M-OEE8, P3EN-E etc.