WTS 3 max hulk/vni/pi pilots 12m+ sp

Wts my 3 nullsec moneymaking alts
-exhumers 5
-arkanor/crokite/spodu/gneiss reprocessing 4
-ice harvesting 5
-all pi lvl 4 +command center 5
-currently training on perfect vni skills

all characters currently located in hisec positive wallet balance

yeetus cleetus
24 hour wait another transfer on account in progress


pin hegirin

Starting bids 8b
13b b/o

confirmed for sale

confirmed for sale

confirmed for sale


let’s do all 3 right now for 25bil?

offer noted, will give a minimum 24 hours

let’s figure out something to start xfer now, what would make that happen

33b would make me xfer rn

confirm with each toon that they are to receive the 11bil ISK per toon themselves and that they are paying the transfer fee.

I will then transfer the 11bil to each character with the account details. thx

confirmed each toon will receive 11b via agreement and i will pay the character transfer.

All ISK has been transferred to each individual toon and eve mails sent with account information for transfer. thx.

all isk received

zxzc cxz has been transferred

Pin Hegirin has been transferred

yeetus cleetus will be transferred after
11/14/2018 4:28:14 AM
as stated in original post

yeetus cleetus has been transfered

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