WTS 3 x Officer Mods (V6.6)

No sold. :ok_hand:

can you get another :slight_smile:

Not atm :ok_hand:

Daily Dose of Bump

Daily Dose of Bump

To the tops

Still going

To the top

To the tops

Daily Dose of Bump

To the tops

1 x Draclira’s Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Added

Still going

Draclira’s Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 40b offer

I can do 43b if my client goes through with it. Prob 1-2 days

Sounds good.

Daily Dose of Bump

ok. 43b contract me in 44

Aight, all yours

contract up

Edit: Added Draclira’s Modified Adaptive Nano Plating

To the top

Still going

Stuff Updated