WTS 30M SP PVP sub cap alt

Located in Jita 4-4
Positive wallet
In NPC Corp
DOB 20210607

20B b/o

22B B/O


25b offer

Your Skill link does not work.


28b b/o offer


will let her go for 30b can start transfer today.

No thank you,

28b is all I’m offering as b/o

Good luck

ill take it since i want the toon gone



isk and account NFO sent.


refunded isk due to me already having another character on the account in a transfer which will be complete on 20240919 at 11:06am est i will message you again and we can continue our transaction
sorry this was my fault i forgot you cant transfer two toons off of the same account at the same time


let me know either way. especially if you get a better offer so i can go back to looking for another character.

Search continues

-bump still available

are you interested in selling the character? my offer still stands.

I offer 28b b/o