WTS 31.7M SP Industry/PI Character

Positive Balance
Located in Jita
No kill rights
Sec 0.00
No clones
Remap available
NPC corp

18b Offer

A bit low i think but understandable as a cheeky first bid.
Looking for 30b or closest.

It is a realistic bid and you will never get close to 30b. Just a heads up :slight_smile:

18b too low, 30b too high.

25b :slight_smile:

GL in looking for that amount :slight_smile:




@Doughar ofcourse you were right. I guess the time that characters worth was due to their specialization is long gone and now it is all about bleeding the skill points and selling them?

Sorry, i will stick with my first offer.

If you are still interested by the time i get to it lol.



i can give you 20 for this

i will take 20b if you are still interested.

sure thing. should i start it and send isk and account info?

Yea that sounds good. just reading up on how to do this, not played for a while.

Isk and account info sended R4D1C4L.
Plz confirm transfer

ISK Recieved
Character Transferred.

Confirm char transfer is initiated :slight_smile: