WTS 33Mil SP T2 Core Rorq & Refining Character - SOLD

https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Marcus_Algaert pw: 12345

Starting Bid 33bil
B/O 38bil

Near perfect Rorq Skills
All null ores (besides Mercoxit) Refining V (1 day train left on Ochre)
Cybernetics V
Indy Core V
Mining Drone Spec V
Shield Command V
Capital Construction II

Isk Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Clone in Null (Esoteria) w/ Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Reprocessing RX-804

30b \o/


Thanks for the bids so far :slight_smile:

offer retracted

Send isk and account details and I will start transfer in approximately 6 hours

Bidding Reopened


who win?

Thanks for bids so far, bidding is still open. Chiyuecanx is winning at the moment

34.5 bil

I am in esoteria too write me in discord if you agree

38 bil B/O, will sell 23:59 4th December or when B/O has been reached. Quick paid transfer

1 .5 days left on the sale, B/O lowered to 36bil if you want to buy immediately with a quick cash transfer

9.5 hours left :slight_smile:

36bil B/O, will send the isk and account name tommorow, around 13-14 eve time if you accept my offer

Accepted, let me know when you’ve sent it over :slight_smile:

I will write here when i send the isk

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ISK and account information sent , please confirm when you start the transfer

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Marcus Algaert

Will be completed after: 12/5/2019 10:24:21 PM