WTS 36,5m SP - dictor, command dessie PvP toon

I am for sale.

Magic 14 - 100%
Perfect Navigation skills
Perfect Gunnery support skills
Dictors V
Command destroyers V
Biology/cybernetics V

Full +5 set training clone with 3 revamps available

Capsuleer day XXI skins:

Positive wallet
In Jita
No killrights against
No negative sec status
NPC corp

Buy out: 32b

I offer 25b

bump #1

I offer 25b

I appreciate the offer but its slightly below extraction net profit so while I understand your motivation, I shall pass on this.

Bump #2

bump #3

26b offer

28B offer

Buy out: 32b

Send isk and evemail me the account name :slight_smile:

isk send. account name in the evemail.



1 Like

Thanks for the quick cooperation!

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