36mil sp toon
positive security status
positive wallet
located in hi-sec
Password is Sale
3 Jumpclones
2 in hi sec 1 in low
1 Fed Navy Mindlink
1 Rep Fleet Mindlink
1 Armored Command Mindlink
remap available
no kill rights
Thank you for looking
I’ve updated the op with some Jumpclone/implant info. I would like to close the sale tomorrow between 1:00-5:00 gmt. Thank you for the interest.
I Am aJita Bid accepted. I will contact in game, or you can send isk and I can begin transfer asap.
Account details and ISK sent
Character Transfer Initiated
You have chosen to transfer the character Sinistaire to the account named REDACTED.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.