[WTS] 43m SP character


Just over 43mill sp Science Character
Decent name
Positive Security Status
Positive Wallet
No kill rights
She is In jita. 4-4
She has a fancy outfit on… https://i.imgur.com/5r8b3Ts.png
Plugins https://i.imgur.com/7KzjzL4.png
Jump Clones https://i.imgur.com/euIidoN.png

Character is NOT in a corp, but might take time to update, check in game if you have an issue seeing it.

Looking for ISK Offers. I pay for the transfer of coarse.



Sale is back open since buyer went silent.

Did you accept? Sorry stepped away. Isk is ready

yes, ill accept your offer, send isk and details. please

isk and accountname sent

isk and account name received, transfer started.

1 Like

not sure what time zone that is using. its 10:30am here… so in ten hours (8:35pm? eastern) it should be transferred.


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