I am for sale.
- Perfect for running T5 Abyss sites with Gila - included 2 bil High-Grade Crystal set!
- Orca mining, can immediately get in Rorqual with included 2.4m unallocated SP!
- Good PI skills
- Near perfect drone skills
Located in Jita
No kill rights
Positive wallet
1 + 2 bonus remaps
PLEX transfer
Starting 25 bil
B/O 30 bil
Thanks for the offer, I’ll leave it a bit longer to see if I get any more.
29bil buyout? Can send the isk now
I will offer the 30b buyout.
Last offer accepted, I will initiate PLEX transfer as soon as ISK and account name are received.
Isk and name sent. Looking forward, keep me posted on the plex transfer.
Sold to @Cyril_Figgus for 36b.
ISK received and PLEX transfer initiated.
Hows it looking, I havent received an email notif of the transfer yet.