Located at Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant .
no kill rights
Positive wallet
no jump clones
pay the transfer fee,use $
Start Bid:30Bil
start you off with 25Bill if you want, if not consider that as a free bump
28 bil
29 bil
29.5 bil
Dang I didnt see this thread was unlocked. I can offer 30b isk right now
30bil be accpect ,send isk and recive account to zzzzzanhula , transfer will start after recived isk at soon.
ISK and account info sent
Transfer In progress, Will be completed after: 12/4/2018 12:41:58 PM 。Pay attention to check ur account,plz tell me if you recived.
Transfer done check your account
Character received. Thank you
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