WTS 43.7M PVE,PVP Paladin specialization


All CCP rules apply.
Positive wallet
No killrights
Locatedin Jita
2 Bonus re-maps.
Stands are not touched. He did not participate in factional wars, storylines.
I will pay for the transfer

Can fly to
Paladin T2 Guns with Specializations 5
Perfect Gunnery/ armor and support Skills

Blockade Runner - Viator - 4
Covert Ops - Cheetah - 4 (Astrometrics 5/ Hacking 5/ rest scan in 4
Deep Space Transport - Occator 4
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser - Devoter 4

10 billion offer

34B offer

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thanks for the bid. The auction will continue for another 5 hours until 12:00 pm Vancouver time. after which I will make a decision.

38 bil

39B offer

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if I am not offered more, you can Send 39b and account name to this character and I will initiate the transfer.

40b offer. I will be away from my computer for about 5 hours but will transfer isk upon return

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thanks for the bid. if I am not offered more, you can Send 40b and account name to this character and I will initiate the transfer.

Correctet you Thread Title, The Ship is not allowed to be part of the Transaktion and will not be moved by the Transfer.

in the title, I indicated that the character can fly on a paladin and has a specific development bias. But I edited more literally. as you requested. Perhaps the Google translator that I use crookedly translated. Thanks for the fix.

The wording suggested that a Marauder for 5Mrd would be included in the purchase.

No problem here. :wink:

Character Transfer details and ISK sent

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thanks for the deal. enjoy the character.

Received. Thank you.

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