WTS 45M sp char[Tengu, Hecate, Leshak]

Here is my char link,
EveSkillboard pass- 1234
Char birth date:2012-12-22

Jita 4-4
Positive Security
Positive wallet balance

Starting bid 25bil
B/O 40bil

Go wild :slight_smile:

You fogot to write pass.
Its 1234 btw :smiley:

1 Like

25b offer

Offer of 26 bill


26.5 bill buyout offer


buyout offer of 29 bill



29.5 可δ»₯ε—οΌŸ

Has the pilot left the corp and alliance shown on the skill board?

If so will offer 30 bill buyout, open for 24 hours


31b ok?

Will leave 24 hrs before selling

Are they still on sale?

looking for more offers

Okay, so how much B/O are you gonna do?

okay final offer 34 bill


35 bill
That’s my highest bid.

Would you take the character as it is

I would shift the account to you

You can,

Can you wait for half an hour? I used another number to buy the character for the same price.

alright send me a mail ingame, prefer to chat in game