WTS 45M sp character

This character for sale.

Wallet balance is positive.

No active killrights

Current clone with full learning +5 implants, 3% powergrid, and 4% reprocessing.
Current location: Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant

Additional clones located:
Avada VI - Moon 20 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory
Freatlidur VII - Moon 3 - Thukker Mix Factory
Oerse VI - Moon 10 - Quafe Company Retail Center
PC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post

27 b.

28 bill

29 bill

29.5 bill

4 lowball bids below injection value (the cost it would take to buy LSI and inject a new character from scratch) and the player looking for a character like this didn’t bother to respond. I will monitor this thread for another week before closing it.

30 b.

Closed due request of the Op.