WTS 45m SP *Perfect Gunnery Naglfar* also Dictor/Hic/Loki toon -SOOOOOOLD-

Yea I am here today. Good morning


Did you manage to have a think about what you would accept today?

would you be willing to go to 35? there is which I forgot to mention 415k of unallocated sp to play with also

so toon actually sits on 46.1m sp with the unallocated SP

I did note the unallocated, However i would still sit at 34, as i could get a full spec carrier toon with gunnery for around 32B with similar SP which is kind of what i want, the only reason iā€™m bidding here is because it has Gunnery skills which i also want for tackle PVP.

You have been very polite and courteous so I will take your offer of 34b

Let me know when you are ready to send details and i can start the transfer

sure, give me like 30 mins or so as im not home currently. and we can sort this out :slight_smile:

no problem, I have the thread open on another screen so should reply quite promptly

Hi, im back, will sort the isk out now for you and send it across.

No problem, once I receive your details/isk I will start the transfer process. I will be playing Tarkov so post here when it is done

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Sorry, had some issue with my Network, iā€™m back, will send isk now - I will mail you the account transfer details.

ISK Sent - Character Transfer ID sent.

Logging in now and will transfer isk to main and start transfer

I have not had confirmation email from CCP yet but character transfer is paid and in progress

here it is You have chosen to transfer the character Artemis Swiftt to the account named ********* ,
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Character Transfer Received - Thankyou :slight_smile:

&& to that guy lastnight who said i would drop out :kiss:

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