WTS 47.5m Incursion/Logi Toon


Incursion ready toon. Can fly Machariel, Vindicator and Basi at optimal fits.

  • 132,255 Unallocated Skillpoints
  • Logi V, Caldari Cruisers V, Minmatar Battleship V, Marauder IV (Vargur)
  • Good Missile and Gunnery Skills (T2 Auto, Arty, Blaster, Rail)
  • No Killrights & Positive Wallet and status
  • Remap available
  • Located in Highsec (Tintoh)
  • Full set of +4 learning implants

Buyout: 36 bil

CCP Rules apply.

33 bil

33.5 bil

34 bil


thanks for the offer. Will wait 2 more days :slight_smile:

Bump. Can use Tengu :stuck_out_tongue:

35 bil

Thinking of selling? We’re currently buying characters, please contact me for an offer.

bump. 1 more day :slight_smile:

Bump buyout set to 36 bil.

I’ll go 35.5. On right now if you want to meet in the middle.

Thinking of selling? We’re currently buying characters, please contact me for an offer.

Buyout accepted. Mail me account name and isk and I’ll transfer you the toon promptly :slight_smile:

Excellent. Sending ISK and account info now… ;=)

Edit: ISK and account sent. Thanks, Riese!

Thinking of selling? We’re currently buying characters, please contact me for an offer.

Transfer Initiated

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Riese Eisvogel

Will be completed after: 8/9/2017 1:04:14 AM

Cheers o7