WTS 49.1 Mil SP Focused SubCap Character

pw 1234

49.1 Mil SP
1 Yearly Remap
2 Bonus Remap Available
Has Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Located in Jita

Excellent Core Skills
Amazing Missile Skills
JDO -5
3 Races - Minmatar,Amarr,Caldari (Cruisers- 5)
Excellent Logi Pilot Both Shield & Armor

Starting Bid 40 Bil
B/O : 50 Bil

Bonus Skins

Has Vindicator IGC Skin
Machariel Angel Hex Skin
And Various other small skins included.

All CCP Rules Followed.
Will Pay Transfer Cost



40B ISK is ready. if you accept it .we can trade immediately!

Thanks for interest, bid noted looking for a bit more. So will let it run :slight_smile:

Offering 45b, will take a few days to gather. I understand if the wait period isnt acceptable, I’ll make an offer once ready.

EDIT: money available now- let me know if 45b is acceptable

Thanks for Offer, I will let this run for next few days if no offer comes up, I will accept yours.
Buyout Set to 50bil.

Bump! and Merry Christmas :christmasparrot:

Getting this done on xmas would be pretty cool. let me know if that’s at all possible

50 billion buyout offer.

can’t beat the buyout : (

offer stands if buyout falls through

BO Accepted, Send Isk and Acc details to the character! :slight_smile:

Isk and account details sent.

Isk and Account Received, Standby for Character Transfer, Will update here once I start.

Character Transfer Initiated

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