Explorer, Enforcer, Industrialist, Soldier of Fortune ( Alpha Completed )
Clean History
No kill rights
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
send me a message, ingame too.
You might want to add a skillboard-link
January 25, 2022, 3:44pm
The link still doesn’t work. Please update it.
Explorer, Enforcer, Industrialist, Soldier of Fortune ( Alpha Completed )
Clean History
No kill rights
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
send me a message, ingame too.
(Pris Mei)
March 24, 2022, 5:35pm
You do realise that by paying the transfer fee you will be around 200 to 300 mil out of pocket by selling for 1.5 bil. You could just use cash and buy plex instead of the transfer fee and keep the character and still be better off
Agreed: $20 US gets 500 PLEX, at 3 mil per PLEX (current Jita buy orders, before taxes) is 1.5bil
You can spend $20 on the transfer, lose the toon and make 1.5b or you can spend $20 on PLEX, make 1.5b selling the PLEX and keep the toon
In the end, it’s your cash but you might be coming out on the short end of the deal by selling it
Thank you so much, 2.5Bill is that a reasonable price
Did hte toon always to sale ?
Sorry Guys, but the Character is no longer for sale !
July 2, 2022, 12:23pm
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