WTS 5.1m VNI/Tinker Rattlesnake Pilot

I am for sale! Pretty decent VNI alt, have used this guy as a tinker Rattlesnake alt as well. Skill highlights below:

Hull Upgrades V
Drones V
Drone Interfacing IV
Heavy Drone Operation IV
Caldari Battleship IV

eveboard - One Epic Pornstache (PW: asdf)

Pretty solid Engineering, Drone, Shield and Targeting support skills.

No kill rights. Positive wallet. Two remaps available. Currently hanging out in high sec waiting for his new owner!

Would like to start the bidding at 4 bil, buyout at 6 bil.

4.3B is my offer - agreed discord chat.

Will accept 4.3 bil per our conversation, please send Isk and provide account name for character to be transferred to.

Isk sent

Account sent

Isk and account information received, beginning transfer!

thank you sir

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: One Epic Pornstache

Will be completed after: 4/7/2018 4:26:48 AM

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