Holly Toasis
Will deliver to JITA
No Killrights
positive wallet
In NPC Corp
Focused on Magic 14
4.4B Starting thank you
Holly Toasis
Will deliver to JITA
No Killrights
positive wallet
In NPC Corp
Focused on Magic 14
4.4B Starting thank you
Skill sheet ?
How much is B/O ?
Best Offer? Just posted a few minutes ago. Looking for 4.4B
4.5bil B/O
Yes that would be fine thank you. Where would you like it delivered? In hi-sec
Jita Tradind station
Ok it is in Amarr space now will move now. Transfer the funds and I will move it then transfer the character within the next 30 minutes
Funds received and character is now enroute to JITA 4-4 Trading Station
Thanks for trade
Character is now in JITA Trading station and the character transfer has been paid for.
Thanks Condotiero!
me too, Thanks a lot
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