WTS 5.5M Sp Cov Ops Char - 2010 Char

Selling 5.5M SP Cov Ops Trained Alpha Character

Leaving Corp in moments
Skill board pw 4321

Full Set of +4 Implants
Will pay cash transfer
No killrights
Positive ISK
0.0 Sec Status

B/O 5B
Min 2.5B

skillboard pw?

Updated, sorry, pw 4321

I’ll bid 2.5b

3,3 bil :+1:

Bump, will close auction in 26 hours.

3.4b :wine_glass:

congratulations SKALE Organa, you are the winner

How about 3,5b?

pending, if i do not hear back from SKALE Organa withing 24 hours , you can purchase for his bid at 3.4b if you agree.

I can agree on that

isk and account information via mail sended to Rubeoh.

Transfer in progress

charapter received

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