WTS 5 Different characters, from 15m to 110m SP

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80bil for Bl3t

TheDancer Girl 40 B

@Gattanera thanks for the offer, but Iā€™m definitely looking for more for Bl3t

How much are you looking for?

@Ragnar_Nabali I want this role verbatim rotsuda
bid25b Email you in the game if you can.

@HawkEye_Maulerant 25b is a fair price for Verbatim.
However I have a problem with my internet connection in home and I canā€™t log in on that character to trade some stuff I have there. I donā€™t know how long it will take to fix thix, but if you are not in hurry and you can wait - then I can sell it for 25b to you.

Ok, we will start shifting when you have time.
Should I call you isk first? and mail

@HawkEye_Maulerant no, keep the isk for now. You will send me once Iā€™m sorted and ready to transfer.

@Gattanera Iā€™m looking for at least 90b for Bl3t.

OKļ¼ŒPlease let me know when you are ready to transfer

@HawkEye_Maulerant character is ready to transfer. Send isk and account name and I will begin the transfer process (using PLEX method), as soon as I will be back at home.

OKļ¼Œisk and mail Which role are you calling?

Isk and mail have been sent

@HawkEye_Maulerant thank you. What do you mean by ā€œwhich role are you callingā€?

I just want to know which role isk gives you.
Please let me know when the transfer starts. Thank you.

@HawkEye_Maulerant I will start the transfer process around 18-20 eve time.

@HawkEye_Maulerant I submitted the support ticket to transfer that character to your account. It should be done tomorrow.

Looks like only two characters left :face_with_monocle:

Hello, may I ask if the account is transferred correctly? I have not received the role yet.