Ex Main character Rhonan Irwin former main character.
SKINS included: Abyssal afterglow Gila, Abyssal Firestorm Gila, Abyssal Thunderstorm Gila, Ace of podhunters Gila, EoM Impel, Firewall Breach Hel, Forgemaster Rorqual, Hazard control Nidhoggur, Hostile takeover Gila, Nocx rush Orca Rorqual Purity of the throne collection excluding Avatar Ark and Confessor only These are the main SKINS this character has.
Located in Jita 4-4
1 jump clone located in Hodrold has implants
No kill rights
Wallet is ISK positive
Name your price.
Untitled|376x500 ]