WTS 53.3M - Subcap pilot

Selling myself http://eveboard.com/pilot/Extender_Myths

  • 436261 unallocated skill points
  • 1 remap

Start 40b
B/O 48b

37 billion.

38 billion.

Thanks for the bids, would hope to get a bit more though

I might be able to do 40… but I’d have to call in some favours.

Let me know!

Will give it 6 more hours, if I dont get anymore interest, it’s yours for 40

Cool I’ll keep an eye on the thread.

Hate to be that guy :frowning: going to have to bail on the 40b, can’t get it collected.

Good luck!

40 billion


Thanks for the bids, if nothing else in the next 2 hours, the pilot is yours for 40.5b

CanaryPrime won the bid, please eve mail me the account info and send the isk, thanks!

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