This is the ultimate krab character + dread alt, featuring:
- Maxed Vargur
- Maxed Paladin
- Maxed Naglfar
- Maxed Leshak (wormhole krabbing or grinding structures)
- near max Ishtar (for when you just want to afk some isk)
- High Grade Crystal with Omega (several B isk value)
- 2.76M unallocated SPs to specialize however you want
- ** Both Bonus remaps still available! **
- Yearly remap available now
+5 Implant set as well (Perc/Willpower/Memory)
I made 500B krabbing with this character and a couple others like it in wormholes and no longer need isk. Amazing isk generator in all areas of space, and then can hop in a maxed Naglfar for capital action.
Friendly to both Trigs and Edencom to make life extra easy.
- Positive wallet
- Located in Jita
- No Kill Rights
- 0.0 Security status
- Member of an NPC Corporation
Min Bid: 48B
Buyout: 58B
Please post offers here as I won’t usually see IG offers
Skillboard link: Character Sheet