WTS 55mil SP Rorq & Gallente JF / Transport Toon

55 Mil SP
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
Located in Jita
NPC Corp

Notable Skills:
Capital Industrial V
Invulnerability Core Op V
Jump Drive Cal V
Gallente JF V
Transport Ships V
Cybernetics V
Mining Director V

Two +4 Implant Clones
One +3 Mining/Reprocessing Clone

Would make an ideal Crabber or Mining booster/repressor.


Will consider any bids from 40 Bil up.

1 Like

Also how do i fix this link so it looks all the other posts using QSNA?

Bump bump

I bid 40B

Just checked this now.
Offer noted.

Originally listed this at at 45 bil.
If your willing to meet me halfway to 42.5 bil i will accept the bid.

Maybe, I bid 42b

Fair enough, I accept, transfer to ISK to this toon and I will begin the transfer as soon as I am able.

doneļ¼ŒPlease transfer to the dunairorq account

Account Nameļ¼šdunairorq

Transfer started.

Already received the roleļ¼Œo7