55 Mil SP
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
Located in Jita
NPC Corp
Notable Skills:
Capital Industrial V
Invulnerability Core Op V
Jump Drive Cal V
Gallente JF V
Transport Ships V
Cybernetics V
Mining Director V
Two +4 Implant Clones
One +3 Mining/Reprocessing Clone
Would make an ideal Crabber or Mining booster/repressor.
Will consider any bids from 40 Bil up.
1 Like
Also how do i fix this link so it looks all the other posts using QSNA?
Just checked this now.
Offer noted.
Originally listed this at at 45 bil.
If your willing to meet me halfway to 42.5 bil i will accept the bid.
Fair enough, I accept, transfer to ISK to this toon and I will begin the transfer as soon as I am able.
doneļ¼Please transfer to the dunairorq account
Already received the roleļ¼o7