WTS 56m SP Levi/Dred toon

Skill Board: Quantum Anomaly

  1. Positive wallet
  2. 1 HG Nomad Clone
  3. 1 HG Nirvana Clone
  4. Located in Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
  5. NPC Corp
  6. Remap Available x2
  7. No kill rights

Starting Bid: 60b
B/O 75b

Nice name. Start you with 40 B offer

daily bump



daily bump

50B offer

Daily bump


55b offer

60B offer

Thanks for offer m0ky. Will give it 24 Hours and if no one counters your offer i will accept.

61B ready atm

62B ready

63B for it

Appreciate the offer Yasmon. I will wait 24h and if no counter i will accept your offer.

Ready to trade?

Let me know if he is not I can do the trade

I’m ready and waiting to send isk / info. Just want him to confirm

Hello Yasmon. The character is currently locked and im waiting for a reply from CCP. Should be a day or 2. Once the account is unlocked i will proceed with the transfer. thanks for your patience