WTS: 5m SP Obelisk Hauler/SP Farmer

Located in Jita 4-4
Wallet is green.
In NPC Corp.
Sec Status is 1.5
3 remaps available.
Basic Implants


Starting Bid: 3b

Offer 3b


Bump new BO 4b

ill do 4bil BO

And I’ll do 4.5

Joshua_VN1 - 4.5b b/o Accepted Send ISK and I will start Transfer

No word from buyer, BO still 4b

Offer 4b

Theo Sotken 4b b/o accepted send isk and I will start transfer

Isk and account name sent

1 Like

Toon Transferred

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: New YoRick

Will be completed after: 9/5/2018 12:47:34 PM

Confirming the transfer of the character is now complete and would like to thank seller. :slight_smile:

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