Level 5 skills include Armor Repair, Hull Upgrades, Mechanics, Power Grid, CPU Man, and Cybernetics
Currently mapped and has +5 Skill implants for Memory and Intel.
2 Free Remaps available now with 85k of free SP.
Confirming in an NPC corp and docked at Jita Trade Hub 4-4
Confirming positive wallet and no kill rights, I will also pay for the transfer.
All CCP conditions apply.
Looking for 2.5 Bil as a B/O but willing to consider offers over 2 Bil
This is the first point I have been able to be logged in apart from a 20 second click.
As your offer did not make the B/O I took it as an opening bid, the offer from Enou has been up for past the customary 1 hour response window so I am not exactly sure as to why you are posting in the way you have.
I have accepted your offer, you are the winner
Once you are ready, send me an evemail with the account to transfer to and the isk to SalvageMyWreck and I will start the transfer
It was an opening bid, but you gave no indication as to whether my offer was acceptable, but only liking my post 5 minutes after I sent my offer. His offer did not make the b/o either, but instead, you accepted it near one hour later, as this is what I woke up to.
Either way, should this fail for some reason, I’m retracting my bid.
Please check the remittance. The account number for receiving characters is [Please don’t post your account names on the forums, thanks. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode].