WTS 6.85msp Miner

Hows Exhumer skills on this toon? If Exhumer skills are at least 4, my bid is 6b…

Hey, sorry. Busy with work. Sending info now if we still have a deal!

Edit: I’ll check the forums again in 11 hours. If everything is still peachy, I’ll send the information when I return home!

Account name and ISK sent in game. Waiting for transfer details.

Received mail from CCP for the transfer. :grinning:

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Coloris Miko

Will be completed after: 8/28/2017 1:51:41 PM

Took longer than i’d like to admit to find this.


Thank you!

Do you know the time zone for above mentioned time? :smiley: Not sure at what time I should expect it…

Sorry, that is MDT

Okay. Thanks!

Character received. Happy to work with you! Cheers!

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