WTS 61.85 M SP Cert 5 Orca and min cal logi pilot

**1. Wallet balance.: 1M isk
**2. Kill rights: 0
**3. Jump clones: 0
**4. Character location: HS
Skillboard: SkillQ.net - Orcus A
Goes Great with an exhumer pilot: WTS 41.72M SP Exhumer, Resource processor, Interdictor pilot - Marketplace / Character Bazaar - EVE Online Forums :slight_smile:

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50 billion isk offer and will bookmark to revisit.

im not greedy for another 5 bill you can have it for 50 mate

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Let’s wait it out


bookmarked for tomorrow
In the meantime will log in my alts to send me isk as hopefully 50 billion will be your price.
Jumping to jita to be ready for trade

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