WTS 8.2m SP Char Orca pilot

Great for filling that hole in your growing industrial fleet.

Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Starting Price: 7b
Jump Clones: None
Attributes Remaps: 2
System: Amarr VIII - Emperor Family Academy
Wallet: 0 isk
Kill Rights: None
Jump Clones: None

Notable Skills:
Leadership V
Mining Director V
Mining Foreman V
Industrial Command Ships V

Ocular Basic
Memory Basic
Neural Basic
Cybernetic Basic
Mining Foreman Mindlink

6b offer. isk ready!


Looking to start at atleast 7b


7b isk in wallet

ill raise it to 7.2b offer

1 Like

I’ll take 7.2b

I’ll be sending you an mail to this character in eve for whom to send the isk to.

ok. i will be able to get to my desk in about ~15 minutes ish, and i will send mail and isk then.

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