WTS 61.85 M SP Cert 5 Orca and min cal logi pilot

**1. Wallet balance.: 1M isk
**2. Kill rights: 0
**3. Jump clones: 0
**4. Character location: HS
Skillboard: SkillQ.net - Orcus A

40B offer

42B offer

44b offer

46b bo

47b offer

48b offer

50b bo

Had another guy offer 50b on a previous locked thread, by the time I come back from work 8h if he has not already replied here you can have for 50b


51b bo



I’ll be home in 3.5h if by the time this is last bid it’s yours mate.

Ok mate your next did you still want this pilot?

49B isk offer

1 Like

Sold for 49B isk offer

please send isk and transfer info

ISK and account sent

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Received, doing transfer now