WTS 61m SP toon

looking to sell myself. I can fly majority of sub cap ships with T2 weapons.

This toon has a very good killboard with 15 Titan kills.
Can run L4 pirate missions with Serpentis (Serpentis Corporation) and Sansha (True Power).


Looking for 55B (non negotioable).

All ccp rules apply.


lets start with 35b

Thats a start.

55.1b offer if u will wait 5-6 days :slight_smile: of course u can accept any offer from other player .Good luck with selling :slight_smile:

Sure no probs dude.

Le bump

Le bump

Good.I will be ready in 2(3) days.Free bump

no you will not, stop trying to pump the price… watch this go down

Nope,I always buy char which I want to fly.This char is well for 2nd window(curse/falcon/interceptor/dictor + perfect logi and black ops in future) Fair price. 2 days. 48 hours± Seller want to receive 55b and he will get this iskies

0/ Sorry,I feel free to reopen thread for bis.I can’t buy your character in 2 days.Your girl is really amazing toon. I have bought Revelation/Near Apostle toon, it’s a very rare toon and I always awaited for revelation toon. Sold! <<< You can check.

My deepest apologies.
Good luck with selling.I believe that you will recieve a decent offer for your girl.

what did i say… trying to pump up the price only

lel,i will try to buy in another 6 days :))) dbut don’t sure

change my mind not selling lol thanks to all those who had a look ))))