Withdrawn Please Delete


51b offered

Character has 62.5m SP. If you were to strip it down to 5m SP and sell the injectors, you would get a total of ~48b for that (taking the average of sell/buy prices for injectors), plus the 5m SP toon would be worth around ~3-4b. Most of the people here who arent looking for toons to add to a brain farm are looking for cap pilots and rorq pilots. PVP pilots are a dime a dozen so people arent going to be willing to pay much over SP value for the toon. Let me know if you change your mind.

If I wanted only Jita prices for the injector I’d just do it myself. I’m looking to sell the character to someone who wants a leadership + pvp character.

Having sold a similar character recently with pretty much the same amount of SP for more than this, I’m willing to wait for a buyer. Thanks, but I won’t changing my mind.








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