Hi, i am for sale
- Fighters 5
- Hac 5
- Minmitar BS 5
- Galente BS 5
- Can fly Min and Gal Carriers
Positive wallet and sec status, located in empire and npc corp
Any questions please ask here or ingame via mail
looking for 30b
Thanks for a swift bid
I accept, please send isk and to whom i should transfer and i will get it going
Mail and isks sent from Kalistra Vacanos.
Isk received and transfer started.
Please confirm once you get the char
still can’t see e-mail notification about transfer
Im having issues doing it, im waiting for ccp to help out
In mean time i have sent the isk back, please confirm youy have it , very sorry
I will close this thread for now
just send mail me, when u will be ready.
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