WTS 70mil + SP char, max paladin skills, can fly rorqual + Dreadnaught

SkillQ.net - Awspar Salias
Awspar Salias Board - Quantum Anomaly
isk positive
Location high sec: Jita.
no kill rights on charector.
Asklepian pod is in WH station owned by “Hill of Money” CEO, Alliance; Wolves Amongst Strangers.
security status in game 5.0
Starting bid 40bil.
buy out price 100bil.

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(post deleted by author)

what no…

40b Offer mate :slight_smile:

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I’d set your buyout at max 82Bil (which is still very high for a 70mil so toon). 100 is just too unrealistic mate. Best of luck with the sale :muscle:

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Curious to know if my 40b offer has been acknowledged? And what the buyout time will be roughly?

41 bill

42B offer

43b offer

45 Bil

46b offer

thank you so much!

sale will terminate on Sunday 01/12/2025 at down time in USTZ.

50 Bil

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