Trained for capital ships but also maxed all T1 Minmatar ships and weapons.
Quick highlights include Minmatar Carrier V, Fighters and Bombers V, Minmatar Dreadnaught V, Capital Projectile AC V.
Starting Bid at 55B
When is this one ending ?
I will end it probably on Friday.
Just a bump. Buyout offers are acceptable.
since you’re online now, will you take 56.5 and get it over with?
57B B/O - But i wont be able to send isk for 7 hours (working)
I’ll take the B/O of 57B. Send the ISK and I’ll start transfer.
Note: I am in a North American timezone.
Isk and Account name Sent.
Received and transfer started.
November 22, 2018, 10:32pm
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