WTS 71Mil SP

WTS this Character


71Mil SP spread of all. in Sub Capital/dreads etc.

accept Offers

Character is in NPC Corp

Positiv Wallet

No Killrights.

Located in Highsec.

Starting Price is 68Bil Isk

B/O 73Bil isk

60bil isk

63 bil here

65b for here

thank you for the Offer but for this Price i will Extract him

Think i can let him go for 68Billion Isk

I’ve sent you an in-game mail :smiley:

Sent you an Ingame mail too

Replied :smiley:

70 billion ISK offered.

70Bil Isk Accepted send Isk and Account Info, i will open Up a Ticket after i recive everything

ISK and user name sent.

Accepted transfer terms i.e. PLEX.

Transfer started

Support respond that the transfer was Initiated

Character has been received :hugs:

Thank you for the smooth transaction!

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