WTS 73 Mil SP character

What to sell this character.

Looking to sell this character if I can get a good offer. Here are some highlights

Min/Cal/Gal/Amarr Cruiser V
Maurader V
Min/Amarr Battleship V
Min Carrier V
Fighters V
Can fly Fenrir/Nomad
Command Ships V
Shield Command Specialist V
Min Battlecruiser V

Here is the skill link
Heddgar Board - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)

The ESI says he is still in a corp but if you look in game he is in an NPC corporation.
Positive Wallet Balance
5.0 Sec status
No kill rights

60 billion b/o

40b offer

41B offer

45b offer

46b offer

47B offer

48b isk

49B offer

Getting close to a price I like.

Edited original post to add immediate B/O price

50B offer

51B B/O

52B B/O

53B B/O

55b offer

Offer of 55 billion is accepted. I am currently at work and will do the transfer when I get home. Send isk and account name please.

Nothing from the buyer in 24 hours.

Given me time to rethink the sale. I am withdrawing the character from sale.

Mods please close thread. Sale is concluded with no sale.

54b offer OK?

Reopening the sale for this character. 60 Billion gets this character no questions asked.

60b offer

Accepted. Post here once you have sent isk and account info