WTS 77M Pilot

For those still interested please mail.
Industrial/JF Pilot 500k+ Free Skill points
Flys a lot of Subcap ships
JF pilot and Rorq pilot


Rhea, Rorqual, Tengu, Loki, Command ship, Logistics Pilot

JFC 5 -JDC 5- WDC 5- Cyno 5

Can fly most sub cap ships.

Character located in Jita, High sec, positive sec status, NPC corp. no kill rights

b/o bid 55b
ready for quick transfer



41B oFfer

Sorry cant sell for that price.


Mail sent in-game with b/o offer


looking to sell this weekend

45 Bil? Evemail me if you accept and I will login and send isk. I will be on cell so make sure you evemail me :slight_smile:


sent mail, can do 46b b/o

offer sent


offer 47b right now valid for next 30min

bump also please post offers here instead of mail if possible. Thanks


offer 47.5b

Sorry have higher offers via mail

then post the offer here… stop trying to raise the price with hidden offer