WTS 78M Gallente Titan Amarr Dreadnought Gallente Dreadnought character

78m sp, of which 1.7m are unallocated.
+4 clones
Positive sec
Wallet green
No killrights
In NULL but can move wherever if needed.

Your Skillboard seems to be in private Mode …

thanks,fixed it

@sakuya_erebus Fyi, just by skill extracting you get closer to 58b, dont accept anything lower than that.


sry,It’s lower than I expected

Thanks,Your suggestion is very important to me

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acept your bid.send isk to sakuya erebus and mail me account to be transferred in game pls

Please wait a few hours for me, I didn’t see it yesterday

isk and account information have been sent

Hope the role transfer will be done soon, thank you

the account name wrong,
Target user is already involved in a character transfer.

i need the account your login game,not character name

Ok, I will send the account information again, please check

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