WTS 8.6Mil Highly Focus Amarr Jump Freighter Pilot

Echo NO5:Ark ready pilot


Unallocated SP:500000



JF IIV ( about 5days can be trained to IV)

No Kill Rights, No Employment History,Positive Wallet Balance, No Remap

Positive Security Status,Located in High-Secin ,NPC corp,with basic Implants

Starting Bid : 9B

Buyout: 13B

Will pay transfer fee in Cash


bump bump

bump,any bid

11 bn?

11 bn ? if you mean to offer 11b for this character, then i accpet your bid,just send the isk and account info to Echo NO5.If not,please tell me more details to let me know your intention.

waiting for your reply

Okay, deal. I’ll log in after DT and send you isk and account details.

OK,please post here if sent

Isk and account info sent

Character Name: ECHO NO5

Will be completed after: 3/28/2019 11:40:51 PM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

isk and account info received ,transfering in progress,please post here after transfer finished

Character Transfer Received
Got email transfer notification:

Dear xxx,

Another player is transferring the character ECHO NO5 to your account named xxx.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

I’ll post an update as soon as the character will be received.

lol ,all right ,nice deal

Character recieved, thx for the deal

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