WTS 8 mill sp starter char

i am up for sale. can fly industrial comand with compress skils, gila t2 drake and decent pi skils.
-npc corp
-no kill rights

  • stationed in HS
  • Securety staus is 0.0
    -2 remaps
    corp status not updated yet but he is in npc corp

buyout 6b or make and offer

4b offer

i can do 5 bill at lowest.

Oh for such an amazing name I can do 5b I suppose

awsome :slight_smile: sold then for 5 b bou out im ready to do transfer once isk and transfer info is sendt :slight_smile:

ISK Sent w/ account name in reason. Much appreciated!

isk recived. please confirm acount name. in reason right? just wanted to make sure :stuck_out_tongue:

Brassman18 Yessir

Transfer completed :slightly_smiling_face: thanks!


Another player is transferring the character Bakkata kato to your account

Thank you & fly safe

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