WTS Starter 5mil & 428k unallocated SP

WTS myself, been hitting the Quafe way to hard and having a clear out.

link to skills

5,013,824 sp with 428,000 unallocated.

Wallet: 0isk
No kill rights
No jump clones
Char location: jita4-4
2 x Remaps available
Clean corp history

Was going to use it as a scanning alt but i’ve got too many toons to manage.

minimum bid 2.5bil to cover transfer and will accept reasonable buy outs

will do you that 2.5b offer when i get to clear this char aswell =D

Daily bump!

2.8 bil ISK offer.

thanks for the offer, I’ll take it. transfer the isk and send the account name via evemail, I’ll start the process once received

Appears I’m still for sale, daily bump!

Daily bump!

offer 2.5b

make it 2.8b and you have a deal

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alright done sending isk and account details shortly

cool, awaiting isk and account name

Still awaiting isk and account details, daily bump until received

Still for sale

I’m ready to send 2.8B :slight_smile:

Hi there, I’d almost given up! Please send isk and account name via eve mail to this toon, I will start the transfer from there

Isk sent, mail sent

Isk received and transfer started

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